Our Leaders

image of Alana

Alana, The Iconoclast


Alana is a 46 year old man named Brad. She discovered Firnando soon after she commenced her spiritual journey to find her religious identity. She found that the Firnandowist philosophy was compatible with her own. Thus, upon joining the Church she immediately attempted to supersede the High Priest's role of supreme leader. Oh, and she is currently accepting applications for a sugar daddy to support her burgeoning gambling addiction. Email her at thisisathreat@gmail.com
image of Liam

Liam, Commander in Theory


Liam is 18 years old. He enjoys everything to do with computers, and is fluent in at least four different programing languages. Along with designing websites for duck churches he also edits their holy books (he is currently not seeking further employment though). He spends much of his time with computers, however he also does fencing because those two are obviously closely intertwined activities.
image of teaghan

Teaghan, Holder of the Undisclosed


Teaghan is a 16 year old who likes theater, jackets, and of course, rubber ducks. She has been a part of this Church since the founding and loves the community it has become. Teaghan is known for her strange hobbies like collecting bones, stealing salt packets, and trying to take over the world. You can find her @TeagoRex on instagram. She loves spreading Firnando's word everywhere she can and, as always, Hail Firnando!
image of Leah

Leah, Infant of Supreme Vibes


Leah Ricafort is 17 years old. To her, Firnandowism is about creating a welcoming community and support system for each other, and coming together through the holy power of Firnando! Her interests include painting, doodling, singing, playing video games, and being extremely cool. You can find her @leahr05 on Instagram.
image of Ellery

Picture the scene- It's the spring of 2018. Me and a friend, soon to be known as the Betrayer, are leaving the theater after a 7:00 showing of A Quiet Place. These details are engraved thoroughly in my mind, for it was that night that I discovered a higher power in the form of a rubber duck. I am Elsa of the Cole, real name Ellery Cole, and I have set out to do good in the world by worshipping a rubber duck. I am a professional fake gamer, D&D enthusiast, and cult leader by day, but an edgy teenage poet, discord connoisseur, and failed evil mastermind by night. By creating the Church of Firnando, I seek to build an environment that brings the sense of support and community of a religion without the focus on a higher power that is required to feel worth in one. Religion has always been something that bothers me, and I was inspired to attempt to create a better alternative, and perhaps do some good and forge a positive community in the process. I'm not that interesting of a person, but I do hope I can help lead the amazing people in the Church of Firnando, and our communities, to make a real impact and push the world in a better direction.

Ellery Cole, High Priest